Carolyn McKanders, M.A., M.S.W.


Carolyn McKanders is Director Emeritus for Thinking Collaborative, the home of the Adaptive Schools Seminars and Cognitive Coaching Seminars®. She is Co-Founder, along with Michael Dolcemascolo, of The Center for Adaptive Schools.

As an educational consultant, Carolyn specializes in individual, group and organization development. Her passion is supporting quality human relationships through promoting self-love, communication, collaboration and leadership- skills development.

Carolyn’s background includes 28 years in the Detroit Public Schools as a teacher, counselor, program administrator, and staff-development specialist. Presently, she presents seminars internationally on developing Adaptive Schools and Organizations, Cognitive Coaching®, enhancing presentation effectiveness, meeting facilitation skills, and honoring equity, inclusion, and diverse voices.
She also provides polarity management training, which supports individuals and organizations in identifying and managing competing tensions inherent in social systems.

Carolyn and Bob Garmston are excited to announce the publication of their new book: “It’s Your Turn: Teachers As Facilitators”. This work provides teacher leaders and others with robust mental models and practical tools for conducting productive collaborative meetings.

In addition to her work in educational settings, she is a family and women’s counselor. From her counseling experience she brings to her work a deep belief in the unlimited capacity and resilience of the human spirit.